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Wilson Academy of Applied Technology

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Weekly Updates

April 21, 2024

Good evening.  This is a message from the Wilson Academy of Applied Technology with information about the week’s activities.

  • Our next PTSO meeting is scheduled for Monday evening at 6:00.  This will be the final meeting of the year.  We are thankful for the support of this group and encourage all families to participate.

  • WAAT continues to offer tutoring for Math 1, Math 3, Biology, and English II each Tuesday and Thursday afternoon from 4:15 to 5:15.  We encourage students to take advantage of this opportunity.

  • We now have 9 instructional days prior to the start of our final exams.  The exam schedule will be shared with students this week.  

Thank you and have a great evening.



April 14, 2024

Good evening.  This is a message from the Wilson Academy of Applied Technology with information about the week’s activities.

  • We will be administering EOC Benchmark Assessments this week.  The English II benchmark will be administered Monday, the Biology benchmark will be administered Tuesday, and the Math 1 and Math 3 benchmarks will be administered Wednesday.  We ask that our students be at school, on time, with your device fully charged.

  • WAAT will be holding Student and Staff 3 on 3 basketball games Thursday evening from 6:00 - 8:00.  We invite our parents to come out to support this friendly competition and cheer on the players.  If a parent is interested in participating in one of the games, they should contact Mr. Williams via email.

  • Weather permitting, we will hold our Final Lap Senior Parade Friday morning in honor of our 2024 graduates.  

  • Progress reports should go out this week for high school classes.  Be on the lookout for them and review them with your students.

  • WAAT continues to offer tutoring for Math 1, Math 3, Biology, and English II each Tuesday and Thursday afternoon from 4:15 to 5:15.  We encourage students to take advantage of this opportunity.

Thank you and have a great evening.



April 7, 2024

Good evening.  This is a message from the Wilson Academy of Applied Technology with information about the week’s activities.

  • On Tuesday evening, our SGA will be assisting at the Chick-fil-A on Forest Hills Rd between 5:00 and 8:00 PM.  Please plan to come out and support the WAAT SGA.

  • Yearbook orders have arrived and we will be distributing them to students this week.

  • WAAT continues to offer tutoring for Math 1, Math 3, Biology, and English II each Tuesday and Thursday afternoon from 4:15 to 5:15.  We encourage students to take advantage of this opportunity.

  • In celebration of Early College Week, we will have several special activities throughout the week.  Information has been shared with students through their google classroom.

  • Our WAAT National Honor Society is sponsoring a food drive to support the Wilson Hope Station.  We are collecting non-perishable foods and travel-size toiletry items.  Collection boxes for donations can be found in the Student Union.

  • WAAT continues to offer Learning Lab sessions each morning at 8:00 AM.  This is for students that have had excessive absences in a course and are in danger of not receiving credit due to those absences.  

Thank you and have a great evening.





March 31, 2024

Good evening.  This is a message from the Wilson Academy of Applied Technology with information about the week’s activities.

  • WAAT continues to offer Learning Lab sessions each morning at 8:00 AM.  This is for students that have had excessive absences in a course and are in danger of not receiving credit due to those absences.  Learning Lab will allow students to make up time for some of the missed days.  Students should speak to their teachers to determine the need for Learning Lab.

  • Progress Reports are scheduled to go out this week.  Please be on the lookout for them and review them with your student.

  • We will begin offering after school tutoring on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons from 4:15 to 5:15.  This tutoring will be for students enrolled in Math 1, Math 3, Biology, and English II.  We encourage students to take advantage of this opportunity.

  • Our WAAT National Honor Society is sponsoring a food drive to support the Wilson Hope Station.  We are collecting non-perishable foods and travel-size toiletry items.  Collection boxes for donations can be found in the Student Union.

  • A week from Tuesday (April 9th) our SGA will be assisting at the Chick-fil-A on Forest Hills Rd between 5:00 and 8:00 PM.  Please plan to come out and support the WAAT SGA.

  • We want to remind our students to check their Google Classrooms and email accounts regularly to stay up on what is happening.  

Thank you and have a great evening.




March 24, 2024

Good evening.  This is a message from the Wilson Academy of Applied Technology with information about the week’s activities.

  • Our next PTSO meeting is scheduled for 6:00 Monday evening.  We invite all families to come out and be a part of this vital organization.

  • There is still time for students to purchase tickets for our WAAT Prom.  The prom is open to all WAAT Sophomores, Juniors, Seniors, and Super-Seniors.  Tickets are $40.00 each.

  • WAAT will begin Learning Lab sessions Monday morning at 8:00 AM.  This is for students that have had excessive absences in a course and are in danger of not receiving credit due to those absences.  Learning Lab will allow students to make up time for some of the missed days.  Students should speak to their teachers to determine the need for Learning Lab.

  • Friday is a holiday.  There is no school for students or staff.

  • Finally, I want to point out how quickly this semester is passing.  We now have 28 instructional days before the start of our final exams.

Thank you and have a great evening.




March 17, 2024

Good evening.  This is a message from the Wilson Academy of Applied Technology with information about the week’s activities.

  • Report Cards should go home with students on Thursday of this week.  Please be on the lookout for these and review them with your student.  If you have concerns, please reach out to our teachers.

  • Parents, will you review your contact information for your student in PowerSchool.  If your addresses or phone numbers need to be updated, please notify our front office.

  • And finally, we need your feedback about our school as we work to continuously improve our school practices. Please consider completing the WCS 2023-2024 Parent Survey. If you have multiple students attending the same school, only one survey is needed. If you have students in several schools, please complete a survey for each school. The survey is anonymous, and the deadline to complete the survey is March 31. You will find the link to the online survey on the Wilson County Schools website and social media sites.

Thank you and have a great evening.




March 10, 2024

Good evening.  This is a message from the Wilson Academy of Applied Technology with information about the week’s activities.

  • I trust everyone has had a nice break this week and is looking forward to returning to school tomorrow.

  • The 9-week grading period ends Wednesday of this week.  Students should verify with their teachers that they have submitted all work so proper credit can be issued.

  • This is the final week to make advance payments for yearbook purchases.  We will be placing our order at the end of the week and will not be able to guarantee anyone not paid by the end of this week an opportunity to purchase.  The cost of the yearbook is $40.00.  You may make your purchase online through the Lifetouch website or pay in person at the school.

  • The date of the WAAT Prom is quickly approaching.  It will be held on Friday, April 5th.  The WAAT Prom is open to WAAT students in grades 10 - 13, and their approved guests.  Tickets are $40.00 each and are on sale now and can be purchased online through the payment portal or pay through the school.  

  • Finally, we continue to encourage our students to monitor posts on their WAAT Student Google Classrooms.  In addition to communications from the school, updates from our Department of Transportation are posted there.

Thank you and have a great evening.



March 3, 2024

Good evening.  This is a message from the Wilson Academy of Applied Technology with information about the week’s activities.

  • WAAT students and staff are on spring break this week.  There are no high school or college classes this week.  We look forward to seeing our students back on campus on Monday, March 11th.

Thank you and have a great evening.


February 25, 2024

Good evening.  This is a message from the Wilson Academy of Applied Technology with information about the week’s activities.

  • Our next PTSO meeting is scheduled for 6:00 Monday evening.  We invite all families to come out and be a part of this vital organization.

  • On Tuesday morning of this week, all juniors will take the ACT test here at WAAT.  We encourage our students to be at school on time and well-rested so you can do your very best on this assessment.

  • Prom tickets and yearbooks continue to be available for purchase.  They can be purchased through the school or online.  Information about both has been shared through the student Google classrooms.

Thank you and have a great evening.



February 18, 2024

Good evening.  This is a message from the Wilson Academy of Applied Technology with information about the week’s activities.

  • To clarify some confusion, WAAT does have classes on Monday.  It is NOT a workday for us as it is for other schools in the district.

  • Senior Cap and Gown pictures will be made Friday of this week.  All students in the Class of 2024 have been provided the information needed to sign up for a photo session.

  • We want to remind our students to check their Google Classrooms and email accounts regularly to stay up on what is happening.  

Thank you and have a great evening.



February 11, 2024

Good evening.  This is a message from the Wilson Academy of Applied Technology with information about the week’s activities.

  • Progress reports will go home Wednesday of this week.  Please be on the lookout for these and review them with your student.  If you have questions or concerns, please contact your student’s teacher.

  • Prom tickets and yearbooks continue to be available for purchase.  They can be purchased through the school or online.  Information about both has been shared through the student Google classrooms.

  • We want to continue to encourage our graduating seniors to keep us updated on plans for after graduation. This includes applying to colleges and acceptance to colleges, as well as any scholarships offered.  Students should provide Ms. Moore with this information.  We want to be able to accurately recognize the achievements of our students.

  • And again, we want to remind our students to check their Google Classrooms and Email Accounts regularly for important announcements.

Thank you and have a great evening.



February 2, 2024

Good evening.  This is a message from the Wilson Academy of Applied Technology with information about the week’s activities.

  • This past week, all freshmen students were given a Wilson Community College Application to carry home.  We need the parents of our freshmen to review and make additions or corrections to that application.  Completed applications should be returned to Ms. Mitchell this week.  This will allow us to move forward with registration for college classes next year.

  • We want to encourage our graduating seniors to keep us updated on plans for after graduation.  If you have applied to a college or university, please notify Ms. Moore.  If you have been accepted to a college or university, please notify Ms. Moore.  And if you have been offered any type of scholarship, please notify Ms. Moore.  We want to be able to accurately recognize the achievements of our students.

  • And finally, Friday of this week is a teacher workday.  There will be no school for students.

Thank you and have a great evening.



January 28, 2024

Good evening.  This is a message from the Wilson Academy of Applied Technology with information about the week’s activities.

  • Advanced orders for WAAT yearbooks continue to be on sale for $40.00 per yearbook.  You may pay online through LifeTouch or pay through the school.  The deadline for placing an order is March 14th.

  • WAAT has set the date for our Prom.  It will be held on Friday, April 5th.  The WAAT Prom is open to students in grades 10 - 13, and their approved guests.  Tickets are on sale now and can be purchased online through the payment portal or pay through the school.  Advanced sales are $30.00 per ticket, however that cost is set to increase in February.

  • Cap and Gown portrait sessions have been scheduled for our graduating seniors.  The date is February 23rd.  A document has been shared with students in their Class of 2024 Google Classroom to sign up for a portrait session.

  • And again, we want to remind our students to check their Google Classrooms and Email Accounts regularly for important announcements.

Thank you and have a great evening.





January 21, 2024

Good evening.  This is a message from the Wilson Academy of Applied Technology with information about the week’s activities.

  • The next WAAT PTSO meeting will be Monday evening  6:00 PM.  We invite all parents to come out and join us for this meeting.

  • Progress reports are scheduled to go home Wednesday of this week for high school courses.  Please be on the lookout for those and review them with your students.  If you have questions or concerns, please contact the school.

  • As a reminder, our parents have several options for staying up on your student’s progress in their courses.  For high school courses, you can view grades through the parent portal of PowerSchool and for college classes, your student can share progress through their moodle and through Wolf Tracks account.

Thank you and have a great evening.



January 14, 2024

Good evening.  This is a message from the Wilson Academy of Applied Technology with information about the week’s activities.

  • Monday of this week is a holiday.  There will be no school for students or staff.

  • Tuesday, during the school day, our Freshman students will have time to meet with staff from WCC to learn more about the available college pathways so they can make a decision about which degree area they would like to pursue.

  • On Tuesday evening, WAAT will hold a parent informational meeting for 8th grade students and their parents.  The meeting will begin at 6:00.  If you know of students that might be interested in attending WAAT next year, please pass this along to them.

  • We want to remind our parents that you have several options for staying up on your student’s progress in their courses.  For high school courses, you can view grades through the parent portal of PowerSchool and for college classes, your student can share progress through their moodle and through Wolf Tracks account.

Thank you and have a great evening.




January 7, 2024

Good evening.  This is a message from the Wilson Academy of Applied Technology with information about the week’s activities.

  • Report Cards will go home with students Monday.  Please take time to review these with your student and contact the school should you have any questions.

  • This week, students enrolled in WCC courses will begin their college classes.

  • The application window for WAAT opens Monday morning.  If you have family or friends that have 8th grade students interested in attending WAAT next year, please encourage them to visit our website and complete the application.  It is found under the For Students & Parents section.

  • Finally, Monday, January 15th will be a holiday.  There is no school for students or staff.

Thank you and have a great evening.



December 31, 2023

Good evening.  This is a message from the Wilson Academy of Applied Technology with information about the week’s activities.

  • We hope that all of our WAAT family has had a great holiday break thus far.

  • Our first day back for students is Thursday of this week.  Students will be provided updated schedules Thursday morning.

  • Report cards will be sent home on Monday, January 8th

  • We wish you all a Happy New Year and hope you enjoy the remainder of your break.

Thank you and have a great evening.




December 10, 2023  

Good evening.  This is a message from the Wilson Academy of Applied Technology with information about the week’s activities.

  • Our exams begin Monday.  The exam schedule has been posted in the WAAT Student Google Classroom.

  • This is the final week of school prior to the start of the holiday break.  The last day of school is Friday.

Thank you and have a great evening.




December 3, 2023  

Good evening.  This is a message from the Wilson Academy of Applied Technology with information about the week’s activities.

  • Our PTSO wrapped up their Krispy Kreme doughnut sale fundraiser this past week.  Any student who did not turn in their order form or funds on Friday should do so tomorrow morning.

  • The exam schedule for fall classes has been posted in the WAAT Student Google Classroom.

  • And again, we want to remind our students to check their Google Classrooms and Email Accounts regularly for important announcements.

Thank you and have a great evening.



November 26, 2023

Good evening.  This is a message from the Wilson Academy of Applied Technology with information about the week’s activities.

  • WAAT is excited to host a talent show Monday evening at 7:00.  Plan to come out and see some amazing performances by our students.  Seating is limited, so plan to arrive a little early.

  • Friday of this week is the final day of our WAAT PTSO fall fundraiser.  They are selling certificates for a dozen Krispy Kreme doughnuts. 

  • Advanced orders for WAAT yearbooks continue to be on sale for $40.00 per yearbook.  You may pay online through LifeTouch or pay through the school. 

  • Finally, we want to remind our students to check their Google Classrooms and Email Accounts regularly for important announcements.

Thank you and have a great evening.






November 19, 2023  

Good evening.  This is a message from the Wilson Academy of Applied Technology with information about the week’s activities.

  • Our WAAT PTSO continues its fall fundraiser.  They are selling certificates for a dozen Krispy Kreme doughnuts.  We appreciate your support in this.

  • WAAT yearbooks are now on sale for $40.00 per yearbook.  You may pay online through LifeTouch or pay through the school.

  • And finally, Tuesday is the last day of school this week.  Students are out of school beginning Wednesday in observance of Thanksgiving.

Thank you and have a great evening.



November 12, 2023  

Good evening.  This is a message from the Wilson Academy of Applied Technology with information about the week’s activities.

  • We will be honoring our newest inductees to the  WAAT National Honor Society Monday evening at 6:30 PM during our induction ceremony.  We look forward to seeing all of our NHS students and their families there.

  • Our WAAT PTSO has started its fall fundraiser.  They are selling certificates for a dozen Krispy Kreme doughnuts.  Students were provided information and a sales sheet.  We appreciate your support in this.

  • WAAT yearbooks will go on sale this week.  The cost is $40.00 per yearbook.  You may pay online through LifeTouch or pay through the school.

  • Finally, we want to continue to remind our students to check emails and Google Classrooms on a regular basis for important information so they can stay up on the happenings through the school and share information with their families as appropriate.

Thank you and have a great evening.




November 5, 2023  

Good evening.  This is a message from the Wilson Academy of Applied Technology with information about the week’s activities.

  • WAAT has a CFNC / FAFSA informational meeting Monday evening at 6:30.  In this meeting, students and parents will learn about the resources available through College Foundation of North Carolina and also learn about the process required to complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid in order to be eligible to apply for financial aid.  This is a great session for our seniors and super seniors.

  • Wednesday of this week, our 10th grade students will be participating in the Pre-ACT.

  • WAAT will continue to offer Learning Lab sessions each morning at 8:00 AM.  This is for students that have had excessive absences in a course and are in danger of not receiving credit due to those absences.  Learning Lab will allow students to make up time for some of the missed days.  Students should speak to their teachers to determine the need for Learning Lab.

  • We are asking that parents utilize the car line area on the east side of the building when picking up and dropping off students at the beginning and end of the day.  Please do not drop off and pick up at the front of the building.

  • Finally, Friday of this week is a Holiday.  There will be no school for students or staff.

Thank you and have a great evening.



October 29, 2023    

Good evening.  This is a message from the Wilson Academy of Applied Technology with information about the week’s activities.

  • Progress reports for all high school courses will be issued this week.  Please be on the lookout for those and take time to review them with your student.  If you have questions or concerns, please reach out to the school.

  • WAAT will begin Learning Lab sessions Wednesday morning at 8:00 AM.  This is for students that have had excessive absences in a course and are in danger of not receiving credit due to those absences.  Learning Lab will allow students to make up time for some of the missed days.  Students should speak to their teachers to determine the need for Learning Lab.

Thank you and have a great evening.



October 22, 2023  

Good evening.  This is a message from the Wilson Academy of Applied Technology with information about the week’s activities.

  • The next WAAT PTSO meeting will be Monday evening  6:00 PM.  We invite all parents to come out and join us for this meeting.

  • Our school will be celebrating Spirit Week this week.  Details for each day have been posted in the Student Google Classroom.  We remind students that WCS dress code expectations will continue to be enforced during the week and should be considered when selecting Spirit Week attire.

  • And finally, our annual WAAT / WECA flag football game is scheduled for Friday of this week.  Field Trip permission forms and details of the event were sent home with students on Thursday of this past week.  Students must return completed and signed permission forms to the school by Wednesday of this week.

Thank you and have a great evening.



October 15, 2023    

Good evening.  This is a message from the Wilson Academy of Applied Technology with information about the week’s activities.

  • This week is Free College Application Week.  The list of participating colleges that will waive the application fee this week is posted in the Senior Google Classroom.  Ms. Moore will be in the media center all week to assist any student that needs support in completing an application. 

  • If you pre-ordered a WAAT T-shirt or Hoodie, please make plans to make payment for your order through the front office of WAAT by Friday of this week.  This will ensure we are able to process your order.

  • The next WAAT PTSO meeting will be next Monday, October 23rd at 6:00 PM.  We invite all parents to come out and join us for this meeting.

  • Finally, we want to continue to remind our students to check emails and Google Classrooms on a regular basis for important information so they can stay up on the happenings through the school and share information with their families as appropriate..

Thank you and have a great evening.



October 8, 2023  

Good evening.  This is a message from the Wilson Academy of Applied Technology with information about the week’s activities.

  • A reminder that our students will have Fall Break on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday of this week.  There will be no school for students on these dates.

  • Thursday of this week, we will be sending report cards home with students.  Please take time to review them.

  • The following is an important message for our class of 2024 graduates.  We have scheduled a representative from Jostens to come to WAAT on Thursday evening at 7:00.  The representative will share information about available items to order for graduation, including Caps and Gowns, Announcements, Class Rings, and other graduation related materials.  This is a very good informational meeting for both graduates and parents so you have a clear understanding of what is available and needed.  We look forward to seeing you here.

  • Finally, we want to continue to remind our students to check emails and Google Classrooms on a regular basis for important information.

Thank you and have a great evening.





October 1, 2023

Good evening.  This is a message from the Wilson Academy of Applied Technology with information about the week’s activities.

  • The 9-week grading period ends Tuesday of this week.  This marks the midpoint in our semester.  We encourage our parents to continue to monitor student progress in all classes.  

  • The fall deadline for ordering a WAAT T-Shirt or Sweatshirt is Wednesday of this week.  After October 4th, we will stop taking orders until January.  If you want to place an order, please do so by the end of the day Wednesday.  Information for how to place an order and pay have been posted on the WAAT website and on our social media posts.  

  • We want to remind our parents about absences.  In the event that your child is out of school, please provide a written note from yourself or a medical provider, explaining why the absence occurred.  That will assist us in determining whether the absence should be marked as excused or unexcused.  

  • And finally, just a reminder that our students will have Fall Break on October 9th, 10th, and 11th.  There will be no school for students on these dates.

Thank you and have a great evening.



September 24, 2023      

Good evening.  This is a message from the Wilson Academy of Applied Technology with information about the week’s activities.

  • We will hold a WAAT PTSO meeting Monday evening at 6:00 PM.  We invite all parents to come out and join us for this meeting.

  • Additionally, the PTSO continues its membership drive.  They have planned a celebration for all students who join before September 30th.

  • Finally, we are just a little more than a week away from the end of our grading period.  We encourage our students to finish strong by completing all assignments.

Thank you and have a great evening.






September 17, 2023    

Good evening.  This is a message from the Wilson Academy of Applied Technology with information about the week’s activities.

  • WAAT’s Design Club is selling T-Shirts and other WAAT attire.  Information for how to place an order and pay have been placed on the WAAT website and on our social media posts.  Thank you for your support and promotion of WAAT.

  • Our PTSO continues its membership drive.  Forms went home with information about how to join.  If you did not get a form, email Mr. Lyndon and he will send a copy to you through email.  The PTSO is planning a celebration for all students who join before September 30th.

  • The next WAAT PTSO meeting will be Monday, September 25th at 6:00 PM.  We invite all parents to come out and join us for this meeting.

Thank you and have a great evening.




September 10, 2023  

Good evening.  This is a message from the Wilson Academy of Applied Technology with information about the week’s activities.

  • Progress reports for all high school courses will be issued this week.  Please be on the lookout for those and take time to review them with your student.  If you have questions or concerns, please reach out to the school.

  • The WAAT PTSO continues its membership drive.  Forms went home this past week with information.  If you did not get a form, email Mr. Lyndon and he will send a copy to you through email.  The PTSO is planning a celebration for all students who join before September 30th.

  • We want to again encourage our students to check emails and Google Classrooms for messages on a regular basis so they are able to stay up on all WAAT Information.

  • And finally, we invite all to follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.  Links to these sites can be found on our webpage at

Thank you and have a great evening.




September 3, 2023  

Good evening.  This is a message from the Wilson Academy of Applied Technology with information about the week’s activities.

  • In observance of Labor Day, there will be no school for students or staff Monday of this week. 

  • The photographers will be here Tuesday of this week to take school pictures.  Information about this went home with students this past week.

  • This week, your student will carry home information about how to join our PTSO.  We encourage all families to join this organization as they continue their work of supporting the opportunities provided to our students here at WAAT. 

  • And finally, just a quick reminder that students should be checking their WCS email, WCC email, and Google Classrooms on a regular basis.

Thank you and have a great evening.



August 27, 2023

Good evening.  This is a message from the Wilson Academy of Applied Technology with information about the week’s activities.

  • WAAT will have our first PTSO meeting of the year Monday evening at 6:00.  We encourage all families to join our PTSO in their support of our work with our students.

  • We have scheduled a makeup session for pictures for the WAAT graduating class of 2024 for Wednesday of this week.  Information about this photo session has been shared through the Class of 2024 Google Classroom

  • Members of our National Honor Society will have a meeting Friday morning at 8:45.  We encourage all current members to attend.

  • Finally, we want to remind parents that Monday is the first day of school for students on the traditional calendar.  This may slightly impact the running of our buses as transportation finetunes the routes.  It is possible that routes are slightly delayed.  Thanks for your support in this.

Thank you and have a great evening.




August 20, 2023

Good evening.  This is a message from the Wilson Academy of Applied Technology with information about the week’s activities.

  • Progress Reports will be sent out this week for all WAAT classes.  Please review these with your student.

  • Wednesday of this week is a teacher workday.  There will be no school for students.  Students enrolled in WCC courses may have virtual assignments to complete Wednesday.  Students should check their WCC email for communications from their college professors.  

  • WAAT will be hosting a WCC Information Night Thursday Evening at 6:30 for the parents of our 10th grade students.  Ms. Mitchell will be providing parents with information about the college classes that our students take on the campus of Wilson Community College. She will also provide some tips about how you can help your student be successful. Please plan to come out and join us. 

  • Finally, we have our first PTSO meeting scheduled for next Monday evening, August 28th.  We invite all parents to come out and be a part of this organization.

Thank you and have a great evening.




August 13, 2023

Good evening.  This is a message from the Wilson Academy of Applied Technology with information about the week’s activities.

  • Our school hours move to full days effective tomorrow.  Our dismissal time will be 4:00

  • Classes with Wilson Community College begin this week for those students enrolled in them.  

  • We want to remind our students to check their WAAT Student Google Classrooms regularly for announcements and updates.

  • We will continue issuing student devices this week to students who have not received a new device.  Please be reminded that students must return their old device and pay the Technology fee of $30.00 before a new device can be issued.

Thank you and have a great evening.


August 6, 2023

Good evening.  This is a message from the Wilson Academy of Applied Technology with some important dates and information.

  • First, I would like to thank our students and staff for a great first week of school.  

  • Transportation has provided updates to our bus routes.  These updates have been posted in the WAAT Student Google Classroom

  • We will continue issuing student devices this week.  If you have not paid your Technology fee of $30.00, this will need to be done before a device can be issued.

Thank you and have a great evening.



July 30, 2023  

Good evening.  This is a message from the Wilson Academy of Applied Technology with some important dates and information.

  • The first day of school for students is Tuesday, August 1st.  Classes will start at 9:30 and we will release from school at 2:30 for the first 2 weeks on M-Th and at 12:00 on Fridays.

  • We are fortunate this year that WAAT has been designated a Universal Free school, meaning all WAAT students will be able to receive school lunch at no cost.  Although not required to receive the no-cost meals, families may still opt to complete a free and reduced lunch application. Approval of the application will also make families eligible for other fee waivers, including the district Technology fee and Driver Education fee, as well as some fees associated with taking tests such as the SAT.  To complete the application, visit  

  • The Google form for students to indicate their meal preferences for the upcoming week has been placed in the WAAT student classroom.  Students should visit their Google Classroom and make selections as appropriate if they wish to receive a school lunch

  • We have placed an updated list of WAAT bus stops in our WAAT Student Google Classroom.  If you need school transportation, please check this list to determine the appropriate bus, bus stop location and pick up time.  As we get additional updates from Transportation, we will post them in the Google Classroom as well.

Thank you and have a great evening.





July 26, 2023

Good evening.  This is a message from the Wilson Academy of Applied Technology with some important dates and information.

  • WAAT will hold Schedule Pick-Up for all students in grades 10 - 13 tomorrow, Thursday, July 27th.  Students will be able to pick up their schedules between 8:30 and 5:00 in the front office of WAAT.

  • WAAT has also scheduled a Freshman Orientation for our incoming 9th graders tomorrow Thursday, July 27th beginning at 6:00 in the evening.  We will meet in the Gym at WAAT.  We encourage all freshmen and their parents to attend this meeting.  Freshmen will have the opportunity to pay their $30.00 Technology fee and pick up their device at the orientation.  This fee may be in person at the orientation or online through the WAAT website.  To access the online payment portal, visit our website at  Then select “For Students and Parents”. Then select Online Payments. If you pay through the online payment portal, please bring confirmation of payment with you.

Thank you and have a great evening.




July 24, 2023  

Good evening.  This is a message from the Wilson Academy of Applied Technology with some important dates and information.

  • WAAT will hold Schedule Pick-Up for all students in grades 10 - 13 this Thursday, July 27th.  Students will be able to pick up their schedules between 8:30 and 5:00 in the front office of WAAT.

  • WAAT has also scheduled a Freshman Orientation for our incoming 9th graders this Thursday, July 27th beginning at 6:00 in the evening.  We will meet in the Gym at WAAT.  We encourage all freshmen and their parents to attend this meeting.  Freshmen will have the opportunity to pay their $30.00 Technology fee and pick up their device at the orientation.  

  • We have posted a Student Supply List for the 2023-2024 academic year to the WAAT website.  That web address is 

  • The first day of school for students is Tuesday, August 1st.  Classes will start at 9:30 and we will release from school at 2:30 for the first 2 weeks on M-Th and at 12:00 on Fridays.

Thank you and have a great evening.